Former Employees

M.Sc. Robin Leisen

Former Academic Staff

M.Sc. Robin Leisen


Curriculum Vitae:

09/2016 - 06/2021
University of Duisburg-Essen

Academic Staff at the Chair for Management Science and Energy Economics

2014 - 2016 University of Duisburg-Essen
Master of Science in Industrial Engineering with  focus on: Electrical Engineering and Energy and Process Engineering

2010 - 2014 University of Duisburg-Essen:
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering with  focus on: Controlling and Energy and Process Engineering


  • Leisen, R.; Steffen, B.; Weber, C.: Regulatory risk and the resilience of new sustainable business models in the energy sector. In: Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol 219 (2019), p. 865-878. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.01.330Full textCitationDetails
  • Leisen, R.; Felling, T.; Podewski, C.; Weber, C.: Evaluation of Risks for Electricity Generation Companies through Reconfiguration of Bidding Zones in Extended Central Western Europe, Energy Journal Volume 40, 2019. doi:10.5547/01956574.40.SI1.cdei) CitationDetails
  • Böcker, B.; Leisen, R.; Weber, C.: Optimal capacity adjustments in electricity market models – an iterative approach based on operational margins and the relevant supply stack, 06/2018. Essen 2018. Full textCitationDetails


  • Leisen, R.; Böcker, B.; Weber, C.: Optimal capacity adjustments in electricity market models - An iterative approach based on operational margins and the relevant supply stack, 30th European Conference on Operational Research, 24.06.2019, Dublin, Ireland. Details
  • Deilen, C.; Felling, T.; Leisen, R.; Weber, C.: Evaluation of risks for power plant operators through reconfiguration of price zones in extended Central Western Europe, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2017, 23.10.2017, Houston, Texas, USA. Details
  • Leisen, R.; Steffen, B.; Weber, C.: New Business Models and Regulatory Risk in the Energy Sector, 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES), 06.10.2017, Dubrovnik, Kroatien. Details


Electricity, District Heating, Renewable Energy

Tutored Theses:

  • Scenario Analysis for the EU Electricity System 2040 - What Impacts do Different Decarbonization Strategies Have (Master Thesis Business Administration - Energy and Finance, 2020)
  • "Nutzen statt abregeln" - Power-to-Heat aus KWK-Anlagen - aktueller Stand und Potenzial (Bachelor Thesis Business Administration, 2018)
  • Analyse der Regelleistungsmärkte in Deutschland und Nachbarländern (Bachelor Thesis Business Administration, 2018)
  • Geschäftsmodelle der Blockchain-Technologie im Energiesektor (Bachelor Thesis Business Administration, 2018)
  • Geschäftsideen im Bereich Energieeffizienz in Europa – Marktanalyse, Evaluation und mögliche Implementierung im deutschen Markt (Master Thesis 0, 2017)
  • Modelling the balancing energy provision from CHP and hydropower plants (Master Thesis Industrial Engineering)
  • Energiewende und Klimaschutz in der EU - Analyse der bisherigen Entwicklungen (Bachelor Thesis Industrial Engineering)